Other Things to Read

My story has polka dots

                       Rudolf the polka-doted Human

      Once upon a time in Juneau, Alaska there was a boy who had the most absences in the whole school ever. This kid would always get one sickness. The cold. This is where our story begins.

     There is an unpopular, super nerdy, 15 year old boy named Rudolf. He is ALWAYS: coughing loudly, sniffing up snot, sneezing grossly that gives him a red nose, picking at zits and pimples, and falling over and running into walls from tiredness.

     Rudolf has only gone to school for maybe 3 weeks total in one school year. He mostly is homeschooled because he is ALWAYS sick. Also anything he touches gets pus on it from all of the pimples and zits JUST on his fingers.
Now Rudolf wasn’t any nerdy boy, his dad was a scientist that focused on dieses. One day Rudolf`s dad, Mr. Reindeer, notice how often he got sick. So on the day Rudolf gets sick the most, (the 3rd Friday of every month), his dad took him to a laboratory.
 Then Mr. Reindeer told Rudolf to lay down after drinking a special medicine to put him to sleep. After his dad thought that Rudolf was asleep, he started to poke Rudolf with sharp and pointy needles. Mr. Reindeer walked away to help in a different area.
Ooowwwwww!!!! ooooohhhhhh!!!!! heeellllllllpppp!!!! began to sound. Then Rudolf’s dad fell out of his chair, in surprise, and on to the floor. Mr. Reindeer limped over to Rudolf and removed the needles. Rudolf looked at his stomach and saw a lot of red dots from the needles that Mr. Reindeer poked in him. Since Mr. Reindeer had a M.D. (medical degree) he felt Rudolf’s stomach to make sure he was okay. Rudolf`s dad told Rudolf that he had those dots for life. Oooooowwww!!!!!! Rudolf just poked his stomach. Mr. Reindeer told Rudolf that he could not touch his stomach for 1 week nor he could wash it.
     The week went by quickly. Once the week was over the next day Rudolf woke up and touched his stomach. It didn't hurt like a he pinched himself anymore. So then Rudolf took a shower and his stomach did not hurt during the shower. After Rudolf took his shower he smelled clean because he hadn’t taken a shower in a week so he was starting to stink. So Rudolf put on his clothes and brushed his teeth. Then when Rudolf brushed his hair and looked in the mirror and he noticed that he looked different. He was very handsome and was not coughing loudly, sniffing up snot, sneezing grossly that gives him a red nose, picking at zits and pimples, and falling over and running into walls from tiredness. Rudolf was good looking. Then he remembered that his mom, dad or mean little sister hadn’t seen him like this.
     Rudolf went down stairs to show his parents what he looked like. When Rudolf went down stairs, his mom literally fell out of her chair in amazement. Then Rudolf’s sister told Rudolf that he didn’t look like a dork. Next Mr. Reindeer asked Rudolf how he became so handsome. Rudolf thought and thought and thought and told his dad that did not know. Then Mr. Reindeer remembered that in the needle medicine was a medicine that would fix any disease, but the side effect was that you wouldn’t look like yourself after it was injected in your body.
The next day Mr. Reindeer took Rudolf to the lab again.So again Rudolf had to be put to sleep with the drink, but Rudolf threw a big tantrum and screamed that he wanted to stay the same way that with the medicine. And all that Mr. Reindeer said was that the scientist will just take blood sample from your stomach and look at it. So Rudolf cried again because he didn`t want a shot Mr. Reindeer told Rudolf to calm down and drink some water. So Mr. Reindeer got Rudolf water, but before he gave him the water Mr. Reindeer changed the water with the sleep medicine and gave it to Rudolf. So Rudolf drank the medicine and started to feel sleepy and then he plopped down backward on the floor and went into a deep sleep. Just to make sure Rudolf was in a deep sleep Mr. Reindeer yelled and clapped and tried to make the most noise he could. All Rudolf did was sleep. Rudolf looked like a he was dead, but you could tell he was breathing because he snorted every now and then and his stomach rose and sank slowly. Then all the scientist crowded around Rudolf and watched Mr. Reindeer stick a needle in Rudolf`s stomach and watch the blood fill up in tube. Next Mr. Reindeer took the needle to a microscope and put what he saw through the microscope on to the computer which told the projector to project it on the wall. Then all the other scientist ohhed and ahhed. The scientist had never seen such a disease so close that looked so weird. Even though they had seen so many other weird diseases.
         “This is a scientific break through!” one scientist said.
“Let`s show this to the President” another said.
“Hold on.” Mr. Reindeer said. “First we need to examine it more. Also he will wake up anytime now, so we need to not show to this.” Then Mr. Reindeer called Mr. Vixsin over and said, “Take this to the lab fridge and put it away from all the others and put a label on it that says ‘Rudolf`s disease’. Got it Mr. Vixsin?” Mr. Vixsin nodded and left the room.
Then Rudolf made a gurgling sound and everyone looked at him. Then Rudolf sat up and looked around. He looked like he had amnesia. Rudolf didn`t have amnesia though. Then he glared at his dad and screamed for no reason. The entire group of scientist made faces that looked like they were frightened. Mr. Reindeer made a funny face too.
“Don`t worry, he is probably freaking out or that might be a side effect of the sleep medicine.” Mr. Reindeer said calmly.
The scientists` faces calmed and Rudolf calmed too. Then the whole room got quiet. Then one HUGE sigh from Rudolf broke the silence. 
After that weird silence and seeing the weird disease everyone left the room.
After that Rudolf got off the floor and stood up very wobbly. Mr. Reindeer raced over to help Rudolf.
Rudolf said to his dad, “I have a bad headache”
 Then Mr. Reindeer brought Rudolf to a little bed that rolled, so he could rest a little bit. Then Rudolf fell asleep, for real this. Mr. Reindeer rolled the bed to the car and pushed Rudolf into the car. 
Chapter 4
        On the car ride home Rudolf was moaning in his sleep. When Mr. Reindeer and Rudolf got home, Mrs. Reindeer ran outside to help Mr. Reindeer while Clarice stood in the doorway. Mr. Reindeer had called Mrs. Reindeer and said that there might be something wrong with Rudolf. 
        “Is my baby okay?” Mrs. Reindeer asked
        “He is fine, but he might have gotten something from having the amnesia medicine a second time.”
        “My wife will kill me if I tell her I gave Rudolf the second dose amnesia” Mr. Reindeer thought.
        “Who gave him the second dose?” Ms. Reindeer said in terror
        “uuhhh?” Mr. Reindeer stalled.
        “TELL ME! MY BABY IS AT CRISIS!” Ms. Reindeer yelled
        “uuhhh? I think Mr. Cupid did. Wait maybe it was Mr. Dasher.
        “Whoever it was is going to her from lawyer, me and might get sued!”
        “Okay okay,  I will tell everyone at work.”          
        “The dork is fine.” Clarice piped in. “Look he is waking up.”
        Mrs. Reindeer rushed to Rudolf.        
        “Where am I? “Rudolf questioned.  “Who am I?”
        “Oh no” Mrs. Reindeer cried
Chapter 5
“Rudolf!  Rudolf! Wake up!” pounded in Rudolf’s head.
        “Rudolf?” this voice sounded like Clarice`s voice but softer and more soothing.
        Rudolf opened his eyes. Bright lights everywhere
 “Am I in heaven?” Rudolf thought.
Nope. He wasn`t in heaven but somewhere that he didn`t recognize at first. Rudolf sat up quickly. Too quickly to be exact. There was a sharp pain in his stomach. He looked at his stomach just to check to see if there were any bruises. There were no bruises, but there they were again the red dots.
Rudolf turned his head. Right next to his side his mom sitting and squeezing the life out of his hand. Rudolf noticed that there were tears streaming from her eyes.
“Mom?” Rudolf said with all the energy that he could.
Mrs. Reindeer looked up quickly. Rudolf and his mom smiled at each other.  
“Are you okay?”
“I`m fine.”
Then Rudolf noticed his dad sitting in the corner staring at the wall. Also there was figure leaning over him. The figure came in quickly, with a hug. As the figure came, Rudolf noticed that it was Clarice, his sister. There tears in her eyes that she tried to blink out.      

1 comment:

  1. I love the story and would love to hear more!!!!!
